Friday, March 30, 2012

Mdm Sū Xiào Shèn, ( 蘇孝慎) my Great Great Grand Mother

A visit to Great Great Grand Mother's Tomb.
Finding out her name
and a serenade.
What a day!

Leading a  team from CCTV that is planning to film a documentary in 2 months time:
we  went to Outram Park today:
Tomb of Tan Tock Seng,

Joint tomb of his daughter in law- Md Chua, wife of Tan Kim Ching,
 and  her daughter in law Mdm  Wuying, wife of Tan Soon Toh.
We paid our respects : I brought carnations for everyone to lay down: 
Mr Zhou brought apples, oranges and joss sticks.

Then at Bukit Brown we  passed by Tan Chor Lam & Yeo Buay Neo, 
and visited Tan Kim Ching,

At Tan Kim Ching Tomb

Cheang Hong Lim (who employed Lim Mah Peng and Lim Thean Geow in his Spirits trade), 
Tan Boo Liat, 
and the Lim Trio:
Mr Lim Mah Peng, [ my great great great grandfather, and  grandfather of Lim Boon Keng]
Mr & Mrs Lim Thean Gow, parents of Lim Boon Keng.

I took a  picture of the tomb inscription of Mdm Soo aka Mrs Lim Thean Geow (aka mother of Lim Boon Keng) for deciphering:
My friends at Singapore Heritage Bukit Brown Cemetery taught me how to read my great great grand mother's name on the tomb (mother of Lim Boon Keng)

Sū  Xiào Shèn    孝慎

xiào shènlínmén sū rén

Surname(last name):  sū 
First Name: 孝慎 xiào shèn

Xiao Shen in Hokkien is pronouce as "Hao Sheem"
xiào - hao4 (filial piety, obedience; mourning)
shèn - sim3 (act with care, be cautious)

The name however is an honorific posthumous name:

  • Darrell Tan it's a posthumous name tho

  • Khoo Ee Hoon Darrell Tan, how did you know this name is posthumous. How do we tell if the name is posthumous if we do not have their actual name in the first place, can anyone enlighten me on this?

  • Jennifer Teo It says 'wei' above the 'xiao' word.

  • Khoo Ee Hoon So this 'wei' means its posthumous?

  • Char Lee I may be wrong, but the character is not 'wei' but 'shi' - 谥. In that case, it means posthumous name which explains why it sounds so funny in Hokkien.

  • Jennifer Teo Oh really? I can't really see it.

  • Char Lee note many of the posthumous name (谥号) for empress starts with 孝. e.g. Empress Chun of Emperor Qianlong is posthumously titled 孝贤

  • Goh Kiasu Yup, Char Lee is rite ;)

  • Jennifer Teo Oh, I didn't know this. Thanks!

  • Char Lee wah .. so at the end of the day, her personal name is not reflected on the tomb?!
  • Khoo Ee Hoon 谥号shì hào

    1. 古代帝王或大官死后评给的称号:~号。~法。~宝(帝王陵墓中,刻有帝后谥号的印玺)。

    2. 叫作,称为:“身死无名,~为至愚”。

  • 林門 (lín mén) - Married into the Lin family
    孺人(rú rén) - Commonly refering to "wife of". During the Ming dynasty and the Ching dynasty they also refer to wife of seventh ranking officials.

    At each of these we paid our respects : 
    I brought carnations for everyone to lay down: 
    Mr Zhou brought apples, oranges and joss sticks.

    At the Lim trio I pulled out my ukulele and sang three songs by the Lim trio tombs
    Amazing grace in English,
    Psalm 23 in Chinese
    and Love is Patient. 爱的真谛

    Amazing grace how sweet the sound
    that saved a wretch like me
    I one was blind but now am found
    was blind but now I see

    Psalms 23
    耶 和 华 是 我 的 牧 者 ,
     我 必 不 至 缺 乏 。
     他 使 我 躺 卧 在 青 草 地 上 ,
    领 我 在 可 安 歇 的 水 边 。
     他 使 我 的 灵 魂 甦 醒 , 
    为 自 己 的 名 引 导 我 走 义 路 。     
    为 自 己 的 名 引 导 我 走 义 路 。
     引 导 我 走 义 路 。
    我 虽 然 行 过 死 荫 的 幽 谷 ,
     也 不 怕 遭 害 , 因 为 你
     与 我 同 在 ;你 的 杖 ,
     你 的 竿 , 都 安 慰 我 。
     在 我 敌 人 面 前 , 你 为 我 摆 设 筵 席 ;
     你 用 油 膏 了 我 的 头 , 使 我 的 福 杯 满 溢 。
    我 的 福 杯 满 溢 。
    我 一 生 一 世 , 我 一 生 一 世
    恩 惠 , 必 恩 惠, 
     慈 爱 随 着 我 ;我 一 生 一 世 , 
    我 一 生 一 世必 恩 惠 , 
    慈 爱 随 着 我 ; 慈 爱 随 着 我
     我 且 要 住 在 耶 和 华 的 殿 中 ,
     我 且 要 住 在 耶 和 华 的 殿 中 , 
    直 到 永 远 。

    爱是恒久忍耐,   又有恩慈, 爱是不嫉妒,
    Ài shì héngjiǔ rěnnài,  yòu yǒu ēn cí,   ài shìbu jídù.
    爱是不自夸, 不张狂,       不作害羞的事.
    ài shìbu zìkuā,     bù zhāngkuáng,    bù zuò hàixiū de shì.
    不求自己的益处,不轻易发怒, 不计算人的.恶,
    Bù qiú zìjǐ de yìchu,     bù qīngyì fānù, bù jìsuàn rén de è,
    不喜欢不义, 只喜欢真理.
    bù xǐhuan bùyì, zhǐ xǐhuan zhēnlǐ.
    凡事包容, 凡事相信,   凡事盼望. 
    Fánshì bāoróng, fánshì xiāngxìn,  fánshì pànwàng,
    凡事忍耐, 凡事 要 忍耐,
    fánshì rěnnài,   fánshì yào rěnnài,
    ài shì yǒngbù zhǐxī.

    The last song touched Mr Zhou
    "why did you sing these songs?" he asked.

    I said they were to respect my ancestors.
    He liked the songs.
    He wants me to sing them when he comes to video in June!

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